Security and Privacy in the Mobile World panel discussion from March 19, 2015 Wireless Technology Forum
Health, Payments, eCommerce – the list of things we can do on our personal mobile devices grows daily. But all of these critical applications can be derailed if consumers cannot trust the security and privacy of their transactions and data. Find out how companies are working to secure and protect mobile data.
Linda Hutchinson, President, S2R Execution Bridge
Traci Curran, Director of Marketing, Bastille Networks
Mike Gonsalves, CIO Oglethorpe Univerity
Moderator: Karun Rajasekharan, Meru Consulting
Cyber risk is a given in today's hyper connected business world. All companies that are connected to the Internet have an underlying and unavoidable cyber risk factor. Regardless of size, every business needs to start the journey on shoring up their cyber security defenses and raising their situational awareness according to their threat environment and risk appetite.
Download the whitepaper to learn more.
While routine efforts have been made to secure this site and any downloadable documents, there is no way to guarantee 100% information security. All visitors should exercise caution when viewing all websites and use extra caution when downloading any files regardless of media format. No image, text, or download on this website should contain any embedded executable file beyond what Is necessary to properly display content via the browser and navigate pages as intended. Treat any executable on all websites with extreme caution. Always use up-to-date network and host based security software/services to scan all website content, links, and downloadable files prior to running on any device. Visitors assume all risks associated with viewing or downloading material from this site.
As the ICT landscape becomes more integrated around platform superstacks, it is more important than ever to maintain market relevance. Five game changers should be top of mind: competing in HTSS markets, reshaping company culture, improving change management execution, building stack ecosystems, and Sales Operations transformation. Download the whitepaper to learn more.
The channel pocket margin waterfall is a sensitivity model that maps out how a company’s pricing, channel and marketing strategy, sales execution, and product development approach impact their profitability. It helps a vendor and their reseller community answer the tough questions regarding:
How much margin is available for all of the players in the game?
Do you understand which internal groups can impact the outcome by pulling which levers?
How much is left to share with Tier 1 & Tier 2 players after company targets are met given street pricing pressures?
An organization’s pocket margin waterfall is best constructed by a company's finance and strategic pricing organizations, and built with insight from channel, marketing, product, and sales leaders to make sure it accurately reflects the nuances of any particular GTM and pricing model combination in practice. Once built, all players need to ensure they understand the model and how decisions they make impact outcomes across the model. The pocket margin sensitivity analysis model should be vetted at least annually or whenever any major GTM change is made. If the channel or marketing team introduces a change in the business without fully understanding the impact on the pocket margin waterfall, then sales and product leaders will likely be blindsided by unexpected top line and margin erosion.
Do yourself a favor and do the in-depth analysis upfront to model what you think is best case, worse case and expected case. Then spend three times as much time and effort educating the internal and external stakeholders on the planned changes so they are crystal clear on the possible outcomes and how it will likely impact their business results and compensation models.
As a reseller partner, you need to intimately understand these high level dynamics for your strategic vendors and be acutely aware of which these vendor levers impact your profitability the most.
Copyright 2015 Produced by Caroline Dunn (Twitter: @thecarolinedunn) Music Credit: Airport Lounge Kevin MacLeod ( published on YouTube March 23, 2015
S2R Execution Bridge LLC
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